let's talk matrimony
let's talk matrimony
what makes us a perfect match?
what makes us a perfect match?
I take a limited number of weddings per year. It's in part because weekends with my family are a big fat priority for me--but mostly, it's because I believe my wedding clients should feel that we're a perfect match for what they're looking for in their day.
I'm looking for my Bride-chillas. The partners who are going to laugh-cry through their vows. The pair that knows things won't go exactly to plan, AND that it'll still be perfect.
If you just said "oh damn, that's me!"--let's talk.
you and me, sunday driving
the beatles knew what they were talking about
I wanna hear it all. Tell me about how you met. Was it on Tinder? I love it. How was your first date? Are you high-school sweethearts? Meet later in life? Who hogs the covers? Do you slow dance in your kitchen or climb trees together? Let's pack all of this goodness into a session that celebrates the two of you for you who you are together.
Proposals, engagements, weddings, anniversaries. The weirder, goofier, and affectionate-r the better, as far as I'm concerned.